This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a front of house hospitality manager. This individual would possess a sound theoretical knowledge base and be able to use a range of specialised, technical or man-agerial competencies to plan, carry out and evaluate their own work and/or the work of their team. Work would be undertak-en in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, motels, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops. We have targeted this qualification to front of house managers.
Prerequisite unit is SITXFSA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety
CORE Units
BSBDIV501A | Manage diversity in the workplace |
BSBMGT515A | Manage operational plan |
SITXCCS401 | Enhance the customer service experience |
SITXCCS501 | Manage quality customer service |
SITXCOM401 | Manage conflict |
SITXFIN402 | Manage finances within a budget |
SITXFIN501 | Prepare and monitor budgets |
SITXGLC501 | Research and comply with regulatory requirements |
SITXHRM401 | Roster staff |
SITXHRM402 | Lead and manage people |
SITXMGT401 | Monitor work operations |
SITXMGT501 | Establish and conduct business relationships |
SITXWHS401 | Implement and monitor WHS practices |
Electives may include the following:
SITHIND201 | Source and use information on the hospitality industry |
SITXFSA101 | Use hygienic practices for food safety |
SITXFSA201 | Participate in safe food handling practices |
SITHFAB201 | Provide responsible service of alcohol |
SITHFAB202 | Operate a bar (Prerequisite is SITXFSA101, SITHFAB201) |
HLTAID003 | Provide first aid |
SITHGAM201 | Provide responsible gambling services |
SITXFIN401 | Interpret financial information |
SITHFAB307 | Provide table service of food and beverage (Prerequisite is SITXFSA101, SITHFAB201) |
SITHFAB303 | Prepare and serve cocktails (Prerequisite is SITXFSA101, SITHFAB201) |
SITHFAB204 | Prepare and serve espresso coffee (Prerequisite is SITXFSA101) |
BSBSMB401A | Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business |
SITHIND301 | Work effectively in hospitality service (requires 36 Service Periods in real workplace) |
SITXHRM501 | Recruit, select and induct staff |
SITXHRM301 | Coach others in job skills |